
“Dont say good bye because we will meet again soon!””沒有必要道別!因為我們還會再見的!!”


Working with the Taiwanese people was a great pleasure. When we’re working together at Bolosan Elementary School, I knew that they are all tired but no one says that they are tired. Working with them is a lot of fun, I really enjoyed when I’m with them. Even though we are all tired, they keep smiling and laughing.  While working, most of the Filipino campers taught them some Tagalog words and also Taiwanese campers taught us some Taiwanese words. Filipino campers sang many songs just to make sure that we will not be bored and we will not feel the tiredness of the work. All of us are happy that we already finished the project which is the plant box. Some children made a surprise for the Taiwanese campers. They make a flag of Taiwan in a coupon bond and the thing that made all the Taiwanese happy and flattered is when the Filipino children shouted “TAIWAN NUMBER 1!” Children in BES are very lucky because they got a lot of presents from the Taiwanese campers and then suddenly one of us says, “How about the Filipino campers?” but then we’re just joking because all Filipino campers knew that it is for the children only. They needed it the most.  I’ve learned so many lessons in this camp. Even if you’re already tired you just keep smiling because it suddenly hit you that it is for the young people. And I promised that those lessons I’ve learned will not be in this camp only. Fatigue that is one of the feelings you will feel in a camp. I don’t want to move when I’m really tired. But this 2016 YMCA Camp was very different. Yes, you will feel so much fatigue but then you’ll be happy because you have a good reason or purpose why you do such a tiring work. Volunteering is a choice. They don’t force you to do it. They will not remember your name, but they can remember the good thing that you’ve one for them. And for me it is the happiest part of being a volunteer, that you’ll see young people smiling at you and saying “THANK YOU!”


     We had so much fun! The Provincial Tour and the Alaminos trip was a great experience! Those days that we are all happy and one of the reason why the relationship of Taiwanese and Filipino campers made stronger. It helps us to know who they are. But you know what it hurts more? That the Taiwanese will leave soon.  Our last day was the Alaminos trip wherein we visit the hundred islands. Last day, we were very happy. But in the depth of our hearts has pain because they will leave this night. When the night came, it’s time to say goodbye. It is very painful that you will say goodbye to a person you’re close with. But then it just happened. People will leave you but when those people love you, they will come back and they will make memories with you again. The funny moments we shared, I will not forget those. So, in the last part of my speech, I was crying out loud saying “Don’t say good bye because we will meet again soon!”

     I’m very happy to meet those people. In just nine days, I’ve met them and we made a strong relationship with them. I will keep the happy memories. WE ARE VERY BLESSED!


Dagupan City National High School

Grade 9 Student (BEC)






我很享受我們在一起的時光,儘管服務的過程十分辛苦,但他們每個人臉上始終保持笑容和歡笑。在服務的過程,我們互相學習彼此的語言,我們教他們說Tagalog(他加祿語,菲律賓官方語言之一,主要於呂宋島使用)而他們教我們說中文,過程中不時一起唱歌來,為我們辛苦的工作增添不少趣味。所有人都很高興我們的服務計畫圓滿完成,看著大家一磚一瓦打澡出來的小植物園,大家都十分驕傲。當地的孩子們甚至還準備了驚喜給台灣的夥伴,他們動手做了一面台灣的旗子,而且還不斷的喊著”Taiwan No.1!” 讓所有的台灣志工的笑得合不攏嘴。




志工是一個選擇,沒有人會逼你去做,他們可能沒辦法記住你的中文名字要怎麼念,但是他們會記住你們為他們做了甚麼,我認為做志工最令我開心的一點,就是看到這些人們感激的對你說出”Thank you!”








Dagupan City National High School

Grade 9 Student (BEC)

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